Photos get 53% more Likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs (from KISSMetrics Blog).  It’s true and you need to know that.  

Take a look at how much real estate is taken up by adding in image to your post.  Without the image it would appear as the text at the top. 

Impressive.  Images call attention to themselves and that’s why they work!

There’s another trick with images.  When you post a link in your status update, Facebook will automatically generate a preview that includes an image, which is good, but the image is so small. It looks like this. 

What you’ll want to do instead is 1.) insert the link into your status update and 2.) click the “photo” button to add a full size image 3.) once the image is posted push “highlight.”  

See the difference in the end product!