Facebook Marketing: Pro Tips

Facebook Marketing: Pro Tips

Social media advertising is currently the leading cause of success in online marketing, and Facebook is one of the viable options you can leverage. For that reason, both B2B and B2C companies are realizing a positive return on investment after venturing into paid...
Reach More Customers While Saving Money

Reach More Customers While Saving Money

Reach More Customers While Saving Money Chatbot technology is the latest marketing tool that could reach more potential customers while adding more to your bottom line. As found on Fortune, “Those Annoying Chatbots Can Save Business Billions” by Darrow, B....
What Does the Chatbot Presence Mean for Businesses?

What Does the Chatbot Presence Mean for Businesses?

Now that we know chatbots are making their presence, what does that mean for businesses? This past April Facebook included the public in on the plan to bring chatbots to the Messenger platform. However, this is bigger than just Facebook, because the idea of an...
Marketing How-to’s: Content is Your Killer App

Marketing How-to’s: Content is Your Killer App

Don’t get us wrong: Use every technical trick, tool, and app you can find to honeĀ in on your target market and beyond. But do get us right: Content trumps any trick or tool you use on your website. Almost every tricky app has words that launch it into the...
Are Chatbots Worthy Of Their Hype?

Are Chatbots Worthy Of Their Hype?

Back in April Facebook announced the adoption of chatbots to their platform. Even though the hype is up on the topic, we’re still a bit away from chatbots reaching their full potential. However, becoming an early adopter can keep your business ahead of the trend...