Life can get busy. 🏃

More specifically, work can get busy, and it can negatively impact some of the most important things in life – family, friendships, and self-care. 🙅

This past week, I visited my father on his farm and was reminded that it is so important to stop and enjoy life’s little moments.  🌼🌼🌼

I walked with my kids, picked flowers, had amazing conversations with my family, and most importantly, I put down my phone.

I didn’t feel the need to check emails or feel the need to make sure the ship was afloat.

It was just the reset I needed. 👍🏽

We lose sight of taking breaks and setting boundaries easily, but this trip was a great way to push the reset button and remember what is important in life.


🌻 How do you press the reset button to ensure you don’t let work take over? 🌻 Let us know your best relaxation tips in our LinkedIn conversation.