Do you want to know how to get 15 pieces of social media content from just one topic? 🤯

Marketing agencies have this mastered but a lot of small businesses still struggle with what to post on social media. 🤷

I’ll let you in on the secret… 🙊🙊🙊

At my marketing agency North Star, this is how we take 1 content topic and turn it into 15 pieces of content for our clients. 🤯

🧡 1st we’ll take a concept, such as how to make better videos for work

💚 then you’ll list out ideas that fit the 3 E’s: Educate, Entertain, and Empower

💜 Once you have that list, you just run it through the content mediums

Join the conversation on LinkedIn and drop a unicorn emoji below if you’d like to know more. 🦄