Right now, I am so excited about something new that I want to share with you that has to do with how to get more LinkedIn engagement. 🤩

There is so much competition on LinkedIn these days, that it’s hard to get your content out there. 😫

It used to be that for any post you’d put up on social media the platforms would send it to about 16% of your audience just to see how it did. These days those numbers are less than 1%. 😫😫

So, you as a business owner have to figure out how to get in front of your people with your contact and I have a tip that has worked out really well for me and for my clients. It’s called LinkedIn pods. 🌟

The thing is, is that you’re not going to find anything about LinkedIn pods on Google., it’s just something I figured out and I’ve created for my business and for my clients that’s worked really well.

Basically, a pod is a group of people who have agreed to promote each other’s content in order to help each other out.  👐

When you post contact on social platforms the algorithm decides how relevant the content is by how many people engage with it. 📊

Here’s what you do:

🔥 Identify maybe 10-15 people who are in a business that has a similar sort of ideal customer profile

🔥 Message them telling them you want to put together this pod in order to support each other

🔥 The faster that they can comment and engage with your post or the faster you can engage with theirs, the more the algorithm is going to see it as relevant content and share it with more people

Could this help you? Leave a comment on this LinkedIn post.