In spite of all the buzz and results companies are getting from social media, email still converts the best!  Here are 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing.

  1. Offer Value in the Subject Line:  With 2.8 million emails sent every SECOND, subscribers need to have a reason to open instead of delete.
  2. Include 1 Call to Action: Readers need to be told what the next step is. Try these. Join now. Sign up now. Click here. Act fast. Share this!
  3. Stick to 3-4 Fonts and Colors: Keep it simple and well branded.  You’ll gain top of mind and it’ll be easier to read.
  4. Make it Mobile: Huge percentages of the population (and your target market) are reading their email via their mobile device. You’re message will show up clear and optimal with a mobile template.
  5. Send at Optimal Times: This is different for everyone, but it’s at the intersection of 1. When is your target most likely to be able to read your email and 2. When is your competition the lowest.
  6. Match Your Brand: Use your logo, your brand’s voice, your graphics, header and colors.
  7. Know Your Audience: When you know your audience you can create content that speaks to them and solves their problems.  They’ll love you for that!