Entrepreneur overwhelm is real and it’s OK. Here’s something you most definitely DON’T NEED in business. 

You don’t need to have all your stuff together, every day. 

From the outside, it looks like most business owners are polished, poised, and carefree. 


Most of us are stomping through the day feeling trapped inside Jumanji with banana peels, and acts of God at every turn. 

And, we’re just trying to get our work done by 3 so we get the kids from school. 

Yep, it happens to almost ALL of us. 

How do I know? 

I started my marketing agency back in 2011. Since then, we’ve been through a pandemic, we’ve homeschooled kids for a year, and been a part of civil rights movements. 

Point being. On any given day, we’re just doing our best. 

So jump on LinkedIn and tell me, what did you overcome at work today?