Yes, something big is happening today!

My friend Melody Stevens is launching her book:

Become a Time Millionaire.

The book shows you 100 ways to gain an extra hour
a day.  And Melody knows how to do that!  She
runs 3 full-time businesses, and still has time
for fun and taking care of herself and her family.
This book is pure gold for everyone who
wants to get more done, while taking better
care of themselves.
Yes, you will learn how to be extra efficient AND
have time for a bubble bath or a massage or
a stroll in the park.
And the fun news?  If you buy the book TODAY,
you will get more than $1000 worth of free
Purchase your book on and
then go back to the bonus page to claim all
the wonderful gifts.
You won’t be sorry.  You get a great book for $20,
plus more than $1000 worth of valuable bonuses.
Remember – that’s today only!  Don’t miss out!