Email newsletters are dead. 

They don’t work. 

Yet, companies still send these every month hoping for conversions that never come. 

Why? Because the people on that list are still valuable.

With the right message, people on that list will book demos and buy.

So, how do you get your emails to be the workhorse that it once was?

I call it the DYFAM Strategy. It stands for Don’t You Forget About Me. Cue music.

But what it really means is that you are consistently in front of your ICP (ideal client profile) with information that is helpful and encourages them to keep in touch through their buyer’s journey.

DYFAM is not a newsletter. It’s more like stories, experiences, and new solutions to old struggles. It’s thought leadership, food for thought, and personal updates.

Want to try it?

Send emails from a person/you, not the company. Who can this prospect speak with?

Stop saying “we do this” and “we do that.” That’s corporate speak. Say “I.”

Ditch the company update email. Give the prospect value. How can this email make their life easier?

Offer an easy next step. What’s helpful –a demo, an analysis, industry trends? What can you provide that will position you as the expert that just saved the day.