Sometimes business marketing can seem daunting, especially during hard years.

Q4 2022 was interesting for business owners and marketing teams. 😳

I was feeling and sensing the stress that many businesses were facing. 😰

It was giving “spaghetti at the wall” vibes. 🍝

When I opened my inbox every day, there were probably 3 to 4 cold emails with a new company just pitching me out of nowhere.

And then I probably got about the same number of texts from companies I had never heard of. 😠

As a marketer, I saw these businesses struggling. They were feeling stressed and not really sure what to do. They were just throwing spaghetti at the walls. 🍝

It doesn’t work! 🙅‍♀️

It hurts you because your brand starts to get spam notifications, and you get blocked on text.

All of those are not good for a future long-term marketing effort. 🤕

Patience and strategy go a long way.

Were you feeling the same vibe at the end of 2022? 🤔

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